Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day - Invest In You! No Excuses!

Happy Mother's Day! It's time to invest in you! All year long you sacrificed for family and friends while you put yourself on the backburner. What about your goals and dreams? What about your dream of going back to school? What about becoming the lawyer, doctor, business owner, administrative assistant or public speaker you've always wanted to be? What is stopping you? If the answer is education, skills, motivation, time or money, then you are in the right place.

While all of these may seem like valid reasons to put your dreams on hold, they are really excuses. When I played basketball in high school, my coach put on the back of shirts, "No Excuses!" She put those words on our shirt so we could remove every excuse in the world that would keep us from succeeding. Those excuses could cause us to come to halt and stop trying to pursue our to win and succeed! I want to tell you what my coach told me, "No Excuses!" Fear can set in which is "False Evidence Appearing Real". The fear of failure can cause you to stop cold turkey and go back to the safety and security with no chance of progression.

My goal is to encourage you to push through your FEAR, DOUBT, INSECURITIES, YOUR PAST, and WHAT IF's! You can succeed if try! There is a second chance for you! Nothing beats a fail but a try. Do you have a try in you? If you have at least a try, you have a chance to succeed. So let's start today! No excuses!

Answer these questions and e-mail the results to me at so we can create a path and plan for success. I am your learning coach and my goal is to guide and push you to success.

1.) What do you want to be when you grow up?
2.) What would you do today for free if did not need the money?
3.) What are you natural talents? These are things you did not have to go to school for.
4.) What new skill do you want to learn?
5.) What are your strengths?
6.) What are your weaknesses?
7.) What was your favorite subject in school and why?
8.) What was your least favorite subject in school and why?
9.) What is your highest level of education?
10.) What is the highest level of education that you would like to obtain?
11.) Do you work well with teams?
12.) Do you prefer to work independently or alone?
13.) Do you like attending classes in person or online?
14.) Do you currently work?
15.) If you answered yes number 14, does your company offer tuition reimbursement?

Once you answer these questions, e-mail me at I will create a free personalized analysis of your responses to show you what educational programs are good for you. I will coach you from admission to graduation!

I wish you the best in your endeavors and remember no excuses; it’s time to invest in you!

Freya S. Williams, MBA, PHR
Adult Learning Coach
Founder, Inspire Learning Solutions
“Supplemental Education and Motivation for All Learners”

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